Testimony-NMI-BangladeshMr. Jagat*, who attends a Nazarene church in Bangladesh, gives his testimony.

This Bible verse influenced me to become a good Christian: “Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’” Luke 9:62

I come from a family that worships many gods. My father and forefathers were followers of [the dominant] religion. I was not very happy with the [ritual] prayer. I felt like we are praying to gods who cannot respond. For this reason, I was seeking a true God whom I could worship.

One day I was riding on a bicycle and met with some Nazarene friends. I asked, “Where are you going?” They replied, “We have a baptism service, we are going there.” I was interested to see the baptism service. So I went there with my wife and child. When I saw the baptism, a strange feeling was brewing inside me. I don’t know why, but I liked that service and their prayer. I told my wife that I want to be a Christian. My wife did not agree at that time. After that we came back home. I prayed to God to change my wife’s mind.

Then I talked with our Nazarene brothers and showed my interest in being baptized. They gave a schedule for baptism when some other brothers and sisters were scheduled to be baptized.

I went that day and found that the other brothers and sisters who were supposed to be baptized did not turn up. I did not hold back. Only myself was baptized that day, and the others were baptized six months later.

A few days after my baptism, one of my Nazarene brothers told me to enroll in the SANBC (South Asia Nazarene Bible College) course. It was the time for harvesting. As I am poor, and harvesting is the only way that I earn income, it was very necessary for me to work the land. Then I remembered the Bible verse, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” I forgot all my basic needs and determined to enroll at SANBC. I went there and attended the courses.

Since then, I am living a faithful Christian life. God has used me to cure many sick people through prayer. Though I have faced many problems, I did not hold back. And as long as I will live, I will be working for the kingdom of God.

     *Name changed and location omitted for security