Nexūs was a wonderful and unique experience. It was the main reason why I understood the importance of the youth group, so, after the course; I started a youth group in Romania.
Not only Nexūs helped me make this decision, but it taught me to appreciate and give more importance to young people. I have learned that they also
have problems and they face difficult situations, despite being young. I have learned that they need someone to be there for them to encourage them, to tell them: Don’t worry. Jesus is in control of your situation!

We live in a tumultuous and hurried world and I know that today’s youngsters are running for the values of this world and not the values of God.
That is why they need guidance. I was not convinced, however, that I, a stillgrowing Christian, may be a youth leader and can lead these children to God. 

But God spoke to me first through a youth leader at Nexūs. Then, when I was on my way back to Romania, God spoke to my heart in such an overwhelming way that my only reaction was to cry for two hours continuously and to write down what God was telling me.

After experiencing God’s presence, and in light of the course I attended, suddenly my life made sense. I do not mean to say I suddenly became the best
youth leader, but my life made sense in that I discovered myself. 

Questions such as: How can God put someone like me at the head of the youth group? Am I worthy to serve this important ministry? How does God
speak to us? How can I make a spiritual awakening and stay awake? 

The Lord spoke to me, and oooh…how my heart was listening to His answers! There would be a lot to write about my confession, but in short, God told me that by His will He is preparing me to serve.

So, I have returned to Romania, full of the Holy Spirit like I have never been before, and I proposed to my church to have a special room for our young
people. I found some donations and bought everything they needed. I wanted young people to feel like they’re coming to their second home, so we
decorated the room until it felt like a comfortable living room. The young people liked it! They said they feel comfortable and happy.

We started the youth group for a month.

I asked God to send 40 young people to the youth group. I now have seven; 33 more to go! I trust the 33 are on their way. I love those kids who come to youth meetings. I don’t know how, but I also love the other 33 I haven’t met yet! 

I look forward to see them on Friday evenings, to eat together and discuss social issues and how God sees them. 

God was the one who really put my desire in my heart.

Written by Alexandra Marinescu

Previously published in the May 2018 edition of Where Worlds Meet.