Our 7 Regional Priorities
‘Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen’ – Ephesians 3:20-21
Read more about how this passage underpins our Regional Priorities

MORE Mission
Mission is the very heartbeat of God and one of the primary purposes of his church. For every believer the call to follow Jesus is also a call to mission. All of us are called; some to the end of our street and others to the ends of the earth. When Jesus says ‘go’ if he is truly Lord then ‘no’ is not an option. Therefore, when, in Eurasia, I dream of more mission I dream of mission that is individual, corporate, passionate and lifelong. Mission that is individual, in the world each of us live and work in. Mission that is local in the church we are planted in. Mission that is corporate in our congregations, Districts, Fields and across the Region. Mission that is a way of life, part of our very being. I encourage every Eurasian Nazarene to be involved in the mission of God and our church. To support their local church outreach. To support NMI. To give generously to the World Evangelism Fund which equips those who go out in faith as missionaries. To take opportunities to go on short-term mission trips and to listen to the voice of the Spirit for the possibility of a personal call to missions. Like Isaiah who hears God’s trinitarian voice calling ‘who will go for us’, let’s be bold and courageous in our response to say ‘Here am I… send me!’

MORE Discipleship
Scripture tells us that before we were born God knew us, loved us, and longed to be in a personal relationship with us. All our lives the Spirit is wooing and drawing us to respond to God’s grace and be transformed into the image of His Son Jesus. Discipleship is a lifelong journey. As Nazarenes the full understanding of this Journey of Grace is that of a prevenient grace that calls us, a saving grace that makes us righteous in Jesus and a sanctifying grace that transforms us and changes us from one degree of glory to another. Discipleship is a beautiful part of that faith and sanctification process where we walk with Jesus and walk with each other on the road towards fullness in Christ. I dream of a Eurasian Nazarene church where everyone is being discipled to become more in Christ and everyone is also discipling and helping someone else draw nearer to Him.

MORE Compassion
Jesus fully incarnated the glory, power and character of His Father. How that shows itself in his engagement with the people he met with was that he was ‘filled with compassion’ towards them. God loves people. Jesus had real compassion for the lost, the broken, the dispossessed, the outcast and those captured by the bondages of sin, injustice and all the power of hell. His response was to heal, feed, liberate, give hope, dignity, and newness of life. As a church if we are to be Nazarenes; those who walk, live, serve and love like Jesus, then we must live lives of compassion. Whilst we give thanks to God for the incredible work of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, and sow into this ministry, compassion is a calling and a lifestyle for all of us. Let all of us as Nazarenes live compassionate lives wherever we are, as individuals and corporately as the church. I dream of every Eurasian Nazarene and Nazarene church on our Region asking the Lord to show them what breaks His heart, what moves Him with compassion, then to go in His name, in the power of His Spirit and to do something about it. Releasing the Kingdom of Jesus with compassionate grace and mercy.

MORE Education
Scripture reminds us that the responsibility of the church is to prepare and release the whole people of God for their individual works of service. As Nazarenes we have always prized the God given gift of learning, education and excellence in training for service. Through our amazing educational providers, in partnership with our Districts and local churches, I dream of a comprehensive and holistic education provision in Eurasia that is accessible, affordable and inspirational for the whole body of believers. Then all of us, whatever our gifts and calling, as lay, licensed, ordained or life-long learners are fully equipped to follow that calling with everything we need to respond to our Church’s vision to ‘make Christ-like disciples in the nations’ all across Eurasia.

MORE Next Generational Leadership
As Timothy was reminded by Paul that he ought never be timid or restricted in his service or leadership because he was young, so the church should never underestimate the amazing gifts, passion and potential of your young people. They are not just a demographic in the church to be entertained or catered to until they can get involved in the church of tomorrow, they are fully part of the church today and we must equip them, encourage them, support them and release them into the ministry of the church today! I dream of a Eurasian Nazarene church where we are intentionally investing in our young people and raising them up in the fullness of their gifting and calling. For me the Nazarene church is powerfully manifest as a wonderful global family. In that family let every generation bring their own life and vitality to who we are today, and in the years ahead

MORE Local Leadership and Sustainability
As a father and grandfather, I know the wonderful reality of the development of life from new birth to adolescence to adulthood. Every stage of life has its joys and unique challenges and needs. This also applies to the birth, growth and development of the local church. As a denomination we are a planting church, praise God! As such each season in a church’s life requires specific support and development. Just as we don’t expect a new-born baby to walk in a few weeks, we don’t expect a newly planted church to be fully sustainable and mature in leadership before they are ready. But we do trust that God is able to give every church congregation everything they need, and more, as they follow Him and mature in Him. As a Regional and Global church our role is to support the developing time whilst encouraging the local church as it grows into maturity. For every church on our Region, I dream of the time when it is healthy, strong, mature and both locally led and locally sustained. Not dependent on the Regional or Global Church for resources but working interdependently with us, raising up indigenous leadership, financing its own local ministry, and sharing the gifts and resources it has been given by God generously and joyfully with the wider body of Christ.

MORE Global Connections
The Bible reminds us that the ‘earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’, and also assures us that Jesus’ saving work extends to ‘the ends of the earth’. Whilst there are a multiplicity of cultures in the world today, many of which are prevalent on our Region, in the church there is one overarching culture that stands above all other cultures and has the power to transform every one of them, everywhere it is lived out; the Kingdom culture, which Jesus establishes in our hearts and unleashes ‘on earth as it is in heaven’ As a truly global denomination and church family I think we both understand that and reach out with this assurance that in every nation and place on this planet Jesus is Lord and He is building His church. As such I dream of a Eurasian Nazarene church that is confident in who we are and remains vitally connected to the global church we belong to. That we strive to work in harmony missionally and ecclesiologiclally with the whole Nazarene family, and minister coherently in step with the church’s theology and vision. Knowing that we are part of something much bigger and yet bringing our own unique flavour, vibrancy and colour to the church today. Sending missionaries as much as welcoming them. Giving financially as much as receiving. Blessed to be a blessing to the world Jesus loves and the work our church has committed to.