Where is Bangladesh?

The Church of the Nazarene entered Bangladesh in 1992.
Hundreds of churches
Thousands of worshipers
Dozens of media teams
7 SANBC Learning centres
It is a struggle to train pastors and develop leaders as rapidly as the local Nazarene churches are growing.
Annual monsoon rains and regular cyclones bring devastating floods and violent winds that inhibit the building of permanent infrastructure, by frequently wiping out family homes, farms, villages, and whole regions.
The regular onslaught of natural disasters keep many people in poverty.
At 1 percent of the population, followers of Christ face discrimination and rejection from family and community.
Prayer requests
Pray for God’s anointing on pastors, ministry leaders and theology students, and for resources to expand critical training and education.
Pray for the media teams to be effective and protected.
Pray for the compassionate ministries to show Jesus’ love and be a gateway for sharing the gospel, and for resources to expand these works to reach more people.
Pray the youth will continue to be reached and developed into future outreach leaders.
Pray a movement of the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of the Bangladeshi people, and many will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.
The door is opening for outreach to new groups like Rohingya refugees, street children, and garment workers.
God is opening the door for sharing Jesus in new geographical areas.
During the pandemic, outreach and discipleship have continued, leading to baptisms and new churches.
Compassionate ministries, such as the Reynolds Memorial Hospital, women’s empowerment groups, and other works are helping people experience Jesus’ love and the support of local faith communities.
Compassionate Ministries
Compassionate works include women’s income generation groups; child development centers; small business startups; disaster relief; rehabilitation; health care, clean water, sanitation and home garden projects; disaster risk reduction, Rohingya response projects.