Where is Ukraine?

Where is Moldova?


The Church of the Nazarene entered Ukraine in 1992 and Moldova in 2009.

Organized churches
Church plants
Licensed ministers
Ordained elders
Theological learning centers


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  • Pastors are challenged to adapt to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, and the obstacles and limitations this presents to traditional church ministry.

  • Some bivocational pastors have lost jobs and their families are struggling financially. The country is experiencing economic crisis.

  • Many church buildings need urgent repairs and renovations.

  • We are working on restarting youth ministry across the district for this new generation who have different needs and challenges, and which will look different amidst this global pandemic.

Prayer requests

  • Ask God to breathe a new, fresh energy into pastors and leaders during an exhausting time of leading the church through unprecedented waters of pandemic.

  • Pray for God’s abundant resources to provide for pastors and lay people facing financial difficulty several churches needing significant repair and updates to their church properties.

  • Pray that God would help us raise up a new generation of pastors and leaders, and that God would give us vision and leaders as we continue to develop our youth ministry program across our district.


  • As people adapt to the impact of conflict in the east, and others slide into economic crisis as a result of the 2020 pandemic, the church is able to serve and love them in Jesus’ name.

  • With the government now allowing homeschooling and private kindergartens, some of our churches have an opportunity to safely use their facilities as day care centers during the week, and to minister to children and their parents.

  • Churches have been able to offer food packages to families who have lost income during the pandemic and are vulnerable during this time.