24 hours of prayer 2024

Asking Nazarenes across the Eurasia Region to join in 24hrs of prayer to start the year, seeking the Lord!

On January 26, 2024, there will be approximately 22 hours of daylight across the region. Prayer will start a hour before the sun rises on Eastern Russia and stop a hour after the sun sets on the Azores.

Please help us spread the word. Local churches, districts and groups will need to arrange their own 24hr prayer teams. We will all be praying together as the sun rises in the east of our region on January 26th untill it sets on the west of our region. What an amazing day of seeking the Lord together it will be.

Prayer requests

Below are the prayer requests from the fields. Download the document for more prayers requests from NMI, NCM, EUNC, NTC and South Asia Nazarene Bible College.


  • Peace in our field. We continue crying to our Lord and God for Peacein our field; We are facing very hard times with wars in different regions; Ukraine, Armenia and Central Asia.
  • For our Pastors and Leaders as they continue navigating these difficult waters
  • For our new generation of Missional Leaders we are mentoring and discipling in the field.
  • For the reinventing of the church in our field. We are praying for there freshing breath of the Holy Spirit and an awakening in our Pastorsand Leaders to look for His presence and for the enlarged vision of what God’s intention is for this part of the World. We know He wants to use our church for revival and for a transformational movement that reach thousands of people for Him!
  • For the people called to ministry. We pray because God awake thecall in the hearts of many of our young people to be pastors and committed church leaders.


  • Please pray for the war situation between Israel and Gaza and pray for the safety of our churches and wisdom how we as a church will have an affective heavenly kingdom role in this situation
  • Please pray that believers will not lose hope and not lose heart in the midst of all the pain and evil that is trying to control the atmosphere in the field.
  • Please pray for our leaders to take their spiritual position , take steps of faith and move forward.
  • Please pray for unity may God protect us from the spirit of division and hatred.
  • Please pray that in 2024 the field will be able to start the discipleship training for emerge leaders from all districts and churches in the field.


British Isles South:

  • We thank God for two new church plants that started on our District within the last year, and another two from previous years that have been able to be recognised as fully organised churches.
  • For the establishment of a District Ministry Team with a sense of unity and enthusiasm for the future.
  • For an independent Filipino congregation and their pastor who are keen to join the Church of the Nazarene, and are in the midst of healthy dialogue about the opportunity.
  • For a Church Type Mission that was established a couple of years ago, and is growing in momentum, seeing many people in need supported, and people coming to faith in Christ.
  • Pray for the ongoing fruitful development of each of the items mentioned in our praises. Many are delicate, complicated, or still vulnerable due to being so new, and require wisdom and energy to sustain.
  • We are in the midst of making some significant financial decisions,and need wisdom: Our aim is to increase our investment income from properties, whilst simultaneously using those properties with the maximum impact for mission and ministry

British Isles North:

  • We thank God for a healthy and well connected NYI across the District.
  • For the successful launch of foundational training programme forthe whole church, “The Story of God for the People of God”
  • For the fresh vision in NMI in Supporting, Educating and Engaging the local church in missions.
  • Please pray that God will raise up and equip new leaders over the next few years to continue his kingdom building in the UK through the Church of the Nazarene.
  • And that we would be clearly guided by and obedient to God’svoice.


  • We thank God for a new church plant in Frankfurt.
  • We had a very encouraging NMI District convention with Cantarellas from Belarus.
  • Pray for five new pastors for local churches.
  • We want to focus more on our identity as Church of the Nazarene. What are the essentials of being a Nazarene.
  • We need a new passion to serve the least and win the lost.


  • We thank God for the young people in our churches and the district NYI. There is a focus on the basics of the Christian faith and a renewed emphasis on discipleship.
  • For the non-Dutch speaking communities in our district, Arabic, Portuguese, Bulgarian and Farsi and the integration of the these groups in the district.
  • For the new educational strategy of the Dutch learning centre of EuNC and the District NDI to focus on clergy preparation, layministry training, discipleship and equipping all the people in the churches with Wesleyan based education and material in Dutch.
  • Pray for the emerging missional communities in the southern Roman Catholic part of the country and the church plant in Mechelen, Belgium.
  • The district is starting a new project: A conversation on the ethics of the holy life as expressed in the new sections of the covenant of Christian conduct accepted by the General Assembly of 2023.


  • We thank God for the faithful group of Nazarenes in Luxembourg and their contacts with the NYIs in the Northern Europe field and the German and Dutch districts.
  • For the opportunity of renting a facility for church services and weekday activities.
  • Pray for the remodelling of the facility and the finances involved, and the possible help from the nearby districts.
  • Pray that the new facility will help the church to attract more people and develop a ministry for children and the neighbourhood.


  • Pray for revival on the South Asia Field. Pray for the wind of theHoly Spirit to blow across villages, towns, cities, and nations. Pray for transformation in people and in places.
  • Pray for 425 million “not yet Christians” in the South Asia Field countries to hear about, believe in, and be forever transformed byChrist.
  • Pray for the continued spiritual development of pastors and leaders. Pray for God to continue to lead them toward high levels of integrity, Christian character, and holiness.
  • Pray for SAF churches and Districts to be strong and healthy as they recognize clearly that their primary resources come primarily fromthe ground up (from local churches) and not from the outside in (foreign donations).
  • Pray for South Asia Field local churches to continue to become “giving churches” who experience the joy and blessing of giving, sacrifice, and generosity within their local church contexts.
  • Pray for the South Asia Field Team as they intentionally invest in the development of Field and District leaders who have a healthy understanding of mission and strategy, and as they focus on teaching, preaching, and training on the topics of practical holiness and resource stewardship.
  • Pray for the Theological Education courses in each South Asia FieldCountry to be effective in preparing quality pastors for local pastoralministry.
  • Pray for creative relational ministries to be effective in the SouthAsia Creative Access Nation. God is at work!
  • Pray for the upcoming District Assemblies across the nations of the South Asia Field.
  • Pray for the growing integration between NCM projects and the life of the local churches on the South Asia Field


  • Pray for the safety of our pastors and discernment and courage to sharethe Good News appropriately in difficult areas.
  • Pray for more bi- vocational leaders for ministry.
  • Pray for more young people to commit to ministry and missions.
  • Pray for peace during the upcoming General Election in India in May 2024


  • CE wants to focus on youth and leadership development in the nextyears. Many of our district struggle with youth ministry. Pray for wisdom as we move into these new conversations.
  • We will be looking for new missionaries to join the Central Europe team, please, pray for guidance and the right people.
  • Pray for our pioneer areas, Poland, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. Insome of these areas we have been for a long time and others we just reentered. Pray for God’s guidance and providence. Pray for strengthand vision for our missionaries.
  • Cezi is the new FSC for Central Europe. Pray for Cezi, Martin, and their children, as they enter into this new role.
  • Pray that our local churches and districts become more missional and lead their ministries from a place of generosity.
  • Pray for wisdom for all our leaders as they all face different challenges.


  • Pray to help all our churches to extend their boundaries: many of our churches are at capacity and we want them to dream of what the next stage of ministry is.
  • This also means many of our churches need better facilities to support their members and their communities. Pray for provision & creativity.
  • Many of the people in our churches are involved in modern day slavery. Pray that they would find liberation, and that our churches can help them to understand their rights and find more equitable ways of earning & living.
  • Around 40% of our church ministers are over the age of 60 – pray for them, but also pray for the raising up of a new generation of ministers.
  • Pray for the large Muslim communities within our field – may God give us wisdom and grace to engage and reach out to them.
  • Pray for the new areas in our field we have not yet entered (including Malta & Greece).