Read: Psalms 67, 96, 138, and 145

The promise that God would bless all peoples and nations on earth through Abraham’s offspring (Genesis 12:2-3; 18:18-19) was embraced in the understanding and songs of the Israelites during the kingdom period.  The Israelites were to maintain their relationship with Yahweh in the Promised Land.  As they continued to obey him, they would experience his blessings.  The nations would wonder who the god was whom they served and the Israelites were to point the peoples to Yahweh.  Their relationship with Yahweh was to model and witness to the rest of the world God’s character (who he was), how he related with his people, and how he sustained them.  The Israelites looked forward to the time when all members of creation would know and worship Yahweh.

  • What reasons do these Psalms give for telling the nations about Yahweh?
  • What are some of your favorite songs in which the community of believers praises God for who he is and calls others to join you in praise?
  • In the Old Testament, the Israelites witnessed about God by living in relationship with him (modeling as an example) and telling about (pointing to) him when the nations observed or came to them.  This is different than the type of witness found in the New Testament of the call to Go, as one being sent out to the nations, to tell about God and his salvation (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 10:2-3; John 20:21).  Describe the most common and most effective type(s) and examples of witness to the nations used by your local church.  Would God want you to try a new type, method, or example of witness to the nations?
  • How can we experience now a little bit of what it will be like when all of creation worships Yahweh?