Read: Genesis 12:1-4a; Genesis 18:1-19; Genesis 22:1-18

Following the idolatry and confusion of Babel, God chose Abram or Abraham.  With a specific purpose in mind, God gave him some instructions and the promise of incredible blessings. God’s purpose in blessing Abraham was not just for Abraham alone, but for all the families, nations, peoples, and generations of the earth. Responsibility accompanied the blessing; Abraham was blessed to bless others!  In order for God’s blessing for humanity to be fulfilled, Abraham needed to “keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice” (Gen. 18:19).  Faith in God’s promise and absolute obedience to God were required (Gen. 22:11-12 and 22:16-18).  Abraham received the promise first (without doing anything to earn it), but he needed faith and obedience for the different parts of the promise to come to fulfillment.


  • Describe God’s purpose or mission through Abraham, including the initiator, the objective, the accomplices, how the mission would be accomplished, and when. 
  • Noah and Abraham were especially instrumental in God’s redemption and restoration plan for humanity and all of creation.  What does this tell us about human participation in God’s mission?
  • In this order, read Acts 3:11-26, Gal 3:6-9, and Gal 3:29.  According to these passages, Christians are heirs of the blessing and the promise.  How are you doing with the accompanying responsibility, faith, and obedience?
  • In what ways could my obedience to God bless multiple ethnicities, countries, and generations?